Bartender’s Insurance – Liquor Liability Insurance

If you're a bartender or a for-hire bartender who sells & serves alcohol, you need liquor liability insurance to protect your assets from potential lawsuits. All businesses, regardless of industry, face risks that should be covered by insurance. Private or mobile bartenders can be held liable for damages if they serve alcohol to someone who causes an accident or inflicts harm to a third party. Damages can include bodily injury, property damage, death and more.

What is Liquor Liability Insurance?

Liquor liability insurance is liability coverage for businesses that serve, sell, distribute, manufacture or supply alcoholic beverages. These businesses can include the following:

Who Needs Liquor Liability Coverage?

Businesses that typically require liquor liability insurance coverage include:

Keep in mind, liquor liability doesn't replace a general liability policy. Businesses listed above, and others like them, may need to carry both forms of insurance.

Typically basic general liability policy excludes liquor liability coverage for businesses who generate a profit from alcohol. Liquor liability insurance is designed to fill in this gap in coverage and may either be added as an endorsement or supplemental to a general liability policy or purchased separately.

Cost of Bartenders Insurance

The average mobile bartender in America spends between $350-$700 per year for $1 million in general liability + liquor liability coverage.

How Can I Buy Bartender Liquor Liability Insurance?

There are many insurance companies in which you can fill out an application, pay online and receive your insurance policy documents online. This can be for unlimited events paid on a monthly or annual basis, or on a per-event basis, based on which policy plan meets your needs best.