Best Hangover Cures That Work

Partying a bit too hard? Now the hangover has kicked in...

Hangover Cures

No not the movie, the hangover you get after a long night of drinking! There are no scientifically proven cures for hangovers, however sources all agree that sleep and drinking a lot of water is definitely important and helps. Some sources even say taking vitamin C is helpful in the event you're in this situation. Traditionally people have said drinking coffee helps with hangovers, but it just makes you more alert due to the caffeine, it's not really helping you. Another odd hangover cure, which I myself hadn't heard before is - believe it or not: drinking pickle juice! Who knew?! Many of your friends probably suggest drinking more, but no that isn't going to help your hangover for sure! (Maybe only delay symptoms!) Avoid aspirin and ibuprofen at all costs, they are blood thinners just like alcohol and can actually make your hangover symptoms much worse! Pick your poison and go with it! Just make sure its a helpful remedy! Tell us your favorite hangover cures, or what are ones you have heard of?