Best Drinking Games

Best 50+ Fun Drinking Games

Here you can find a variety of fun drinking games great for parties and social gatherings. You can find board games, cup games, card games, coin games, dice games and more!


1. Each player rolls a die in turn. 2. The first to get a 6 names the drink. The second to get a 6 drinks it. The third, pays!

Aces of Spades

Aces of Spades is for the lonely drinker who wants to get drunk quickly by themselves. 1. Take a deck of cards and shuffle. Place the deck face down. 2. Say, "Ace of Spades" and flip over the top card. If the card is not an ace of spades, then you take a drink. You keep playing and drinking until you get to the ace of spades. 3. You can take as big of a drink as you wish each time.

Across The Bridge

1. To start Across the Bridge, you need to deal out ten cards face down in one line. This forms the bridge. 2. Each player takes turns to flip one card over at a time. 3. If you get a numbered card you are fine and get to move to the next card. However, if you flip a face card you drink according to the face card, Jack is one, Queen is two, King is three, and Ace is four. 4. Once you flip a face card, you must put down more cards according to what the face card is. Example: Pull a Jack and place one more down, pull a Queen and put two down, etc. 5. Once all the cards are flipped over or the deck is done you are across, and you are done.

Presidents & Assholes

1. The first hand is used to determine everyone's rank during the following hands. Deal out all the cards. The person to the left of the dealer starts off. 2. When starting you can lay down any card or cards with the same face value. The person following you must lay down a card of equal or greater value. They must also use the same amount of cards as you did. 3. If you lay down two 9's then they would have to lay down two of something equal or greater. If the player lays down the same card as the previous player then the next player is skipped and must drink. Also, if you can't play any of your cards than you must skip and drink. Cards are cleared if everyone skips or a two is played. Play continues like this until all the cards have been played. 4. After the first hand is when the fun really begins. There is a ranking system which is as follows: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Asshole. Whoever goes out first becomes the new President for the next game, the second person becomes the Vice-President, etc... 5. For the following rounds, anyone who ranks higher then you can tell you to drink whenever they want to. Special Rules: 1. The Asshole must always deal and clear the cards. 2. The Asshole must give the two best cards in their hand to the President. 3. The President gives the two worst cards in their hand to the Asshole. 4. If the President remains President for three consecutive rounds they can create special rules, such as the word "drink" cannot be used. If these rules are broken then the offender must drink.


1. Set up the four shot glasses in a row going away from home base (the designated shooting spot for the quarter). Fill them with beer or similar beverage. 2. Each player on the visiting team takes turns shooting the quarter at the shot glasses. The first glass represents a single, the second a double, the third a triple, and the last a home run. Three strikes (misses of all shot glasses) and you are out. Three outs and the other team is up to bat. 3. The game follows as regular baseball and runs are scored in the same way (except that you have to keep track of the runners on base in your head). 4. If a player makes the quarter into a shot glass (gets a hit), he must drink the contents of the shot glasses behind the one he made. For example, if he hits a single, he must drink the remaining three shot glasses full of beer. If he hits a triple, he only has to drink one. If he gets an out, he must drink all four. 5. The opposite team must drink for each run the other team scores.

Beer 99

1. Deal four cards to each player, then turn the top card over. Play goes around the circle with each person playing a card, mentally keeping track of the total value of the pile. 2. Special cards: King Kept to avoid drinking or place drinking responsibilities on someone else, usually used near end of game. Four Used as a skip card when you have none to play, can also be used to skip drinking responsibilities. Tens When in the 90's, this drops the value of pile by 10 when you play it, otherwise its a regular card. Socials occur whenever the total equals a number ending in 9. Special socials on 69 and 71. On a special you must drink twice. Whoever gets hit with 99 must drink 1/2 glass. After you play a card, draw another from the stack. When out of cards, reshuffle those already played.

Beer Blow

1. Place a deck of cards on an empty bottle. 2. Each player blows cards off the deck on the bottle in turn. 3. The one who blows the last card off the bottle has to drink one glass of beer. Variation: If sombody spots an ace among the cards a player blew off - that player has to drink once. So if someone blows down a bunch of cards and two aces are visible that person would drink twice.

Beer Snap

Beer Snap is based around that popular card game, "Snap". For people who are not familiar with "Snap", the rules are as follows: 1. A deck of cards is dealt between 2 people, who then take it in turn to place a card between themselves onto a pile. 2. If a card placed on the pile matches the previous card's value, it becomes a race to see which player can shout "snap" first. The player who says "snap" first wins the cards present in the pile. 3. The idea of the game is to win all the cards. Beer snap is almost the same, but when 2 card values match, and the first player to shout "snap" has been established, the player to shout last has to drink the following amounts of beer from a big (pint) glass: Card Values: 2-6 --------> 1 finger 7-10 -------> 2 fingers Face card --> 3 fingers This game is best played in a large group with a winner-stays-on basis.


1. The dealer lays out 15 cards in a pyramid form and deals 5 cards to each player face down. Each card in the pyramid represents one drink. 2. The players look at their own cards but don't let anyone else see them. The dealer flips the top card in the pyramid. 3. If you have the card you can tell someone to drink. You can also bluff that you have the card. The players can drink or call the bluff. If you call the bluff and the person doesn't have the same card, they drink double. If the player has the card you drink triple. 4. If a player has two or more of the card flipped then they can make someone drink twice or more, depending on how many matches they have. You can also split up the drinks given to players in Beeramid if you have multiple matches.

Blow Me

1. To start Blow Me, take a deck of cards and stack them on top of a bottle (beer, vodka, whatever..). 2. Each person then tries to blow the cards off the deck. 3. If they can blow one card off then everyone drinks, if they blow more than one off nothing happens, BUT when somebody blows the whole deck of cards off the bottle they must drink the entire time while everyone sings the following tune: *We will use the name Mary as an example... "Oh here's to sister (when its a guy you say brother) Mary, sister Mary, sister Mary, oh here's to sister Mary who's with us tonight. She eats it, she beats it, she even mistreats it, so drink mother f*cker, drink mother f*cker, drink mother f*cker drink!" ...and the crowd can sing as fast or as slow as they would like.

Brain Damage

Remove the 8s, 9s and the red 10 tens from a deck of cards. This game is played just like BlackJack but to 7.5 points. Card Ranks / Values: Face Cards - .5 points Aces - 1.0 point 2-7 - Face Value 10s - Wild 1. Lay out all cards face down, everyone "cuts for deal". Highest card deals first (10 would be 7.5, 7 is very good). Deal will go from highest draw to lowest. Very important: you cannot leave the game until after you have dealt. That's why dealing first is great, dealing last has been known to result in "Brain Damage." 2. a) The dealer takes the deck, deals one card face down to the first player, and one card face down to himself. The player looks at the card, then bets any amount of beer, a large shot glass is usually a good limit. 2. b) The player keeps his first card face down, and can take as many hits as he wants. If he goes over 7.5, he must announce that fact, and then drink the bet. If not, when he stops, the dealer turns over his card, and then hits until he thinks he has the player beat. If the dealer busts, he drinks the bet. 2. c) When the dealer is satisfied with his hand, the player turns over his card. The lowest total drinks. Ties mean player drinks. The dealer then goes to the next player, repeating the process until the deck is exhausted. 3. If the player gets a "five card charlie" (5 cards, not busted), he wins immediately, dealer cannot draw, dealer loses even with a 10 in hand. If player draws to 7.5, dealer can of course try to tie (win). 4. If the dealer begins dealing begins with six or less cards, the penalty of losing to that player is to deal again. With six or less cards, the dealer lays them face down, the player bets, they both draw a card, and the loser drinks (tie means the player drinks) Play continues until everyone has dealt.


1. Sit in a circle, deal out the entire deck of cards evenly, or thereabouts, to each player. 2. a) Starting with aces, the first player lays down the number of aces s/he has, stating the number of cards. Even if the player doesn't have any of that card, they can lie. 2. b) If someone thinks they are lying, they say "Bullshit!" If that person is right, you drink an amount proportional to the number of cards in the stack; lots of cards already played = lots of drinks. However, if you were honest in your play and someone says "Bullshit!" that person ends up drinking the prescribed amount. 3. Play starts with aces, then goes on accordingly, through kings, then repeats back to aces. Note: If have to drink because of either being caught bullshitting or falsely accusing, in addition to drinking, you must also pick up all of the cards already played and add them to your hand. 4. Play continues until someone runs out of cards. If you so choose, play could continue down to the last two players.

Bullshit Pyramid

1. Make a flat pyramid with the cards. You can either make the base 5 or 6 cards. After you make the pyramid, you share the remainding cards between players. Don't show anyone else your cards. 2. Flip over the 1st card in the bottom row of the pyramid. If you have the card, or wish to bluff that you have it, you can tell anyone else to drink for 1 second. The bottom row is one, second row is two, etc... 3. If an opponent thinks you have the card they can call "bullshit". If you fail to show them the card then you have to drink double, and if you do have the card that they called bullshit on, they have to drink double. 4. If you have more then one of the cards flipped over, multiply the amount the person has to drink by this number. For example if a four is turned over on the first row and you have two fours in your hand, then you could make someone drink two instead of the standard one for the first row. Remember that you can pretend that you have the cards in Bullshit Pyramid even if you don't, to make people drink more.

California Kings

To start California Kings, spread cards face-down around a large cup. Draw in clockwise order. A "drink" is a normal sip. Card Actions: Ace - Social - He / she who draws proposes a toast and everyone drinks. 2-6 - Black (Clubs & Spades) - Consume the card's value in drinks. 2-6 - Red (Hearts & Diamonds) - Give the card's value in drinks. The total may be split-up between multiple players. 7 - Waterfall - Everybody begins to chug. You can't stop until the person to your right has stopped. He/she who draws may stop first. 8 - Thumb Master - He/she who draws puts his/her thumb on the table. The last person to do so drinks. 9 - Rhyme - He / she who draws says a sentence. The person to his/her left must rhyme with the last word in the original sentence. This continues in clockwise order. Rhyming words may not be repeated. If you repeat a word or can't think of one, you drink. 10 - Category - He / she who draws thinks of a category, like "Simpsons Characters." Then, he/she says one, like "Homer." Then, the person to his/her left must think of another one, like "Bart." This continues in clockwise order. If you repeat an item or can't think of one, you drink. Jack - Guys drink - A toast is often included. Queen - Ladies drink - A toast is often included. King - We don't call it "kings" for nothing. He/she who draws the first, second and third king pours some of his/her drink into the "large cup" and comes up with a rule that must be obeyed for the rest of the game, like "no showing your teeth" or "no saying 'drink,' 'drank' or 'drunk'." Anyone in violation of a rule drinks. He/she who draws the fourth king must POUND the contents of the "large cup." Drawing the fourth king marks the end of the game. Note: Drawing the fourth king is a fate worse than death if there are a combination of beverages in the "large cup," like beer, wine cooler and vodka. In fact, some players insist that only beer be poured into the cup; but they don't have the love for the game.

Circle of Death

Spread a deck of cards out into a circular shape. Players should sit around the circle. 1. One persons chooses a card. The person adjacent to them also chooses a card. a) If the cards are of the same suit, you add up the values of the two cards and the two people have to drink for that many seconds. b) If they aren't the same then the first person puts their card in a discard pile and the next person (a third player) draws a card. c) If it matches the second person's suit then they drink, etc... 2. When three or four cards of the same suit are drawn in a row, add all the values up and all three or four players must drink. 3. If a player breaks the circle of cards with their chosen card, he/she must drink once.

Circle of Death 2

Arrange the cards in three circles, inside one another, on the table. All players sit in a circle around the outer cards. 1. The first person draws a card. a) If the card drawn is black, then he/she must drink whatever number is on the card (J, Q, K are 10, and A is 11). b) If the card drawn is red, he/she can assign the number of drinks to one person, or can split it up, and assign it to more than one person. 2. Continue around the circle, taking cards only from the outer circle. When that circle is gone, go to the second circle. 3. The rules remain the same for both second and third circles, except that the number of drinks to be given/taken is doubled and tripled respectively for each circle.

Circle of Death 3

Arrange all cards in concentric circles face down. The object is to guess the proper suit of the card which will be turned over. Begin on the outer circle. 1. The first player will call 'red' or 'black', and: a) If correct, the other player must drink the number on the card. b) If incorrect, the flipper drinks that many drinks. 2. This continues until the circle is finished, but every time you reach the end of a circle, the number of drinks are doubled for the interior circles.


Deal out all the cards evenly among all players. Each player should have his/her own pile. Player's must not look at their own or anyone other player's pile. 1. One player starts by turning their top card of their pile over. a) If the cards are connected, by suit or by number, then both player's must drink the same amount of sips as the number on their card. (For example, the first player draws a 5 of clubs. The second player turns over a 9 of clubs. Therefore the first player must drink 5 (sips) and the second player must drink 9.) b) If a connection is made twice or more times in a row, all player's with that connection must drink. (Lets say the third person also threw a club (a jack). Then everyone once again must drink their number (aces high). The first two people have now drank twice off of their one card. ) 2. Play continues to each player. If any card around the table is connected (not across) to the card next to them by suit or by number, then all players with that connection must drink.

Cops and Robbers

Get a group of people (preferably at least 6 people) to sit around a table. Take a number of cards out of a deck that is equal to the number of people playing. One of the cards has to be a king and one of the cards has to be an ace. The other cards can be any combo of numbers people decide on. However, the higher the card number, the greater the chances of getting drunk quickly (you'll see why). Pass out a card to each person. 1. Whoever receives the ace is the robber. Whoever receives the king is the cop. 2. Once all of the cards have been passed out, everyone stares at everyone else around the table waiting to hear the words "the deal has been made". These words will be heard once the person who has the ace (the robber) winks at someone. 3. The person who has the king (the cop) is on alert to try to see who the robber is. He/she wants to catch the robber winking at someone. Once "the deal has been made" (the person who is winked at will say this to the group), the cop throws over his card and tries to guess who the robber is (the person who winked). a) If the cop guesses wrong, he/she has to drink the number of drinks that the cardholder turns over. b) This game, cops and robbers, continues on until the cop guesses who the robber is. It's hilarious to watch the cop go through everyone around the table while having to slam beers for each wrong guess. 4. If the robber happens to wink at the cop, the robber is automatically busted and has to drink a pre-determined number of drinks.

Crazy Eights

Take the four 8's from a deck of cards and lay them out on a table, top to bottom. Deal the rest of the deck to the players sitting around the table. 1. Players must take turns laying down their cards, building from the eights in either direction (matching suites). 2. Any card may be played, however; a) if a player cannot lay down a card that directly follows one already on the table, a 9 on a 8 for example, they must drink for the total number of cards from those in the suit on the table and those missing in between. b) if a player lays down a card that does not skip any cards, the drinks (of their card's face number) are given out to the player(s) of their choice.

Death Ring

1. Sit everyone in a circle. The first person draws a card. The next person draws a card. 2. a) If both cards are related (same value or the same suit) then both players must drink the number of sips as on their own card. (jack=11 drinks, queen=12, etc.). b) If they have both have the exact same card then they have to drink double the face value. 3. The next person in the circle is the one who gets to count the sips the first two are drinking, as fast or slow as he/she wants. But, and this is a big but, if one of the drinkers finishes their beer before the counting is done, then the person counting has to finish his beer. Note: It is best to play this game with cans of beer or cups so you can bluff as to how much beer you have left.

Bar Dice

1. The first player rolls two dice. 2. a) Anything that adds up to six (i.e. 2-4,5-1) or has a six in it (i.e. 6-1, 6-2, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5), you drink a "good" gulp of beer. b) Any time you roll double 2s, 4s, or 5s you drink that many (2, 4, or 5) "good" gulps of beer (You can modify this to just one "gulp" on doubles). c) If you roll double 3s you are penalized twice, for getting doubles and adding up to six. Thus four "good" gulps (or 2 if you play the modified rules). d) The killer is double 1s or double 6s. For this you do a SHOT of your favorite poison (i.e. JD, Southern Comfort, tequilla, etc). 3. Continue rolling until you get something that you don't drink on (i.e. 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 2-3, 2-5, 3-4, 3-5, 4-5). If you roll the dice off the table, you are also rewarded with a gulp of beer 4. After achieving the above, the next player now takes his turn.

Drink Bitch

1. Deal a card to each player. Place the rest of the pile in the center. 2. Each player takes turns to flip through the deck and; a) if one of the cards is the same as his/her card, the player must take ten drinks. (eg. your king and a king in the deck.) b) if the card is ranked next to your card you take 5 drinks. (eg. your kind and a queen or ace in the deck.) c) When the deck is done, start over. 3. The last person drinking wins.

Drown the Clown

Deal each player one card. 1. On the count of three, everyone flips there cards over. a) If any two people have the same card, then each must point at the person that they have a match with and yell "clown". b) Whoever says it first gets to watch the other take as many drinks as designated for being the slowest. c) If a person points at a person who does not have a match or if he/she says anything but the word "clown", then they must drink 3 drinks.

Drug Dealer

Players should sit in a circle. Get as many cards as there are players for Drug Dealer. There should be one ace and one king mixed with the cards. Any other cards will determine the the boot factor, so use lower value cards for less alcohol consumption, and vice-versa. 1. Mix up cards and distribute one to each player. Players look only at their own card. The player with the ace is the drug dealer and the person with the king is the cop. 2. The drug dealer must discreetly wink at any other player. Any player who sees the wink must then say "The deal has been made." The cop then identifies his/her self, and it is up to them to determine who the dealer is. Note: If the cop sees the wink, the drug dealer must drink for 5 seconds. Play is restarted. 3. For each wrongly guessed player, the cop must drink the value on that players card. That card can then be removed. 4. When the cop guesses correctly, the drug dealer must drink the number of the remaining cards left between players. 5. The game is restarted once the drug dealer has been identified.

Drunk Driver

1. Decide who will be the 'dealer' and who will be the 'driver'. The dealer deals 6 cards (more for a greater challenge, less for an easy road) face down in a line adjacent to each other. 2. The driver turns over a card, and does the following: a) card is a non-face card - nothing happens and the driver moves onto the next card. b) card is a face card or ace, the driver is dealt additional cards to the line, based on which card he turns over: Jack = +1 card Queen = +2 cards King = +3 cards Ace = +4 cards. The driver must also drink one shot/sip of a designated beverage for each additional card dealt. The game continues until the driver has successfully made it off the road (gone through all cards dealt). If the dealer runs out of cards, simply reshuffle the cards already played.

Drunk Driver 2

1. Decide who will be the 'dealer' and who will be the 'driver'. The dealer deals 6 cards (more for a greater challenge, less for an easy road) face down in a line adjacent to each other. 2. The driver turns over a card. He must now guess whether the value of the next card will be higher or lower than the one he has just turned over. a) If guessed correctly, the driver moves onto the next card. b) If guessed incorrectly, the driver must drink, in gulps, the number of that card from the beginning of the line. (eg. fourth card, 4 gulps) The dealer then replaces all uncovered cards (except the first) with new cards, and the driver starts again from the beginning of the line. 3. If the dealer runs out of cards, drunk driver is declared, and the driver must down a glass of the beverage chosen to play with. A new deck is then dealt and play starts over again until the driver beats the game. 4. The game continues until the driver has successfully made it off the road (gone through all cards dealt).

Eat The Turnbuckle


Give One, Take One

High or Low


Ice Tray Quarters

Indian Poker


Kings And Blood





Red and Black #1

Red and Black #2



The Tower

Thirty One

Three Man

Twenty-One Aces

Up and Down the River