Best Apple Cider Drinks
When it comes to making cocktails, finding the right apple cider drinks can be a challenge. These apple cider mixed drinks are made with great ingredients to help you create some of the most popular cocktails. Whether you are experimenting with recipes or just want to make a simple drink, there are many cocktails with apple cider. To inspire you with ideas, we’ve compiled a list of the best drinks to make with apple cider.
Apple Cider Cocktail Recipes
If you’re struggling to make a good mixed drink, explore these apple cider cocktails to find easy recipes that will taste delicious.
Apple Yogurt Slush
Apple Pie Punch
Captain's Apple
Apple Fairy
Kamora Hot Apple Cider
Captain Morgan's Steamy Applecolada Dream
Dubonnet Kiss
Crockpot Mulled Cider
Fall Crisp
Apple Smoothie
Apple Cider Punch #2
Jersey Devil
Hot Apple Pie #5
Apple Pie Liquor
Incider Cocktail
Maple Lake Irish Shock
Jack's Apple
Broken Leg
Golden Delicious
Candy Apple
Cinnamon Toast
Washington Applecart
Apple Grande
Golden Apple Cider
Russian Cider
Ludvika Walker
Peach Cider
Hot Apple Pie
Bri's Almond Cider
(Shots & Shooters)
Shrewsbury Slammer
(Shots & Shooters)
Cider Snap
Canadian Funky Electric Cider
Southern Hospitality
Kinda Tasty
Cranberry-Cider Punch
Cemetary Cider
Rod on the Rocks
Hot Cinnamon Roll
Cinnamon Caramel Apple
Apple Shake
Snitchee's Cider
Series 7
New Years Eve
Crockpot Cranberry
Strawberry Bolle
Booga Booga
1800 Manzana Cider
1800 Mint Lemonade
Crockpot Apple Cider
Heidi's Comet
Captain's Spiced Cider
Cinnamon Toast
Cranberry Sparkler
Apple Knocker
Slow Cooker Cider
Fire On Ice
Mountain Cider High
Gumby Dammit
Hot Mulled Cider #2
Cranberry Tea Hot Punch
(Coffee & Tea)
Apple Cider Punch
Hot Mulled Cider
Hot Spiced Cider #2
Amber Cider Punch
Cinnamon Bun
Hot Spiced Cider
Hot Cider
Seattle Sidecar
Safe Scrumpy
Brown Pelican
Orchard Downs
Great Pumpkin Punch
Wassail #2
Autumn Punch
Cranberry-Apple Cider
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