How To Make Lips of Myristica
If you're looking for the best Lips of Myristica recipe, you can find it right here along with just about any other Mixed Drink Recipe from Crystal Mixer.From what's in a Lips of Myristica to its recommended drinkware, and exactly how to mix & how to make the Lips of Myristica drink, whether you're a bartender, mixologist, or just having DIY fun at your home, CrystalMixer has just about every drink and variation you need. This recipe version is made with these ingredients: vodka, Malibu® passion fruit rum, vanilla extract, nutmeg, ginger ale. Some of the best well-known cocktails from the classics to the latest to not miss are the Cosmopolitan Cocktail, Daiquiri Cocktail, Espresso Martini, Gimlet, Manhattan Cocktail, Mojito, Moscow Mule, Negroni Cocktail, Old Fashioned, Whiskey Sour, and the Aperol Spritz.
With all of today's fancy technology, we simplify the bartender's guide. We have all the delicious Cocktails you can possibly create. If you have a list of ingredients you have available, or want your drink to include, don't forget our Drink Builder to help find matching recipes.
Check out the ingredients and instructions below to learn how to make your Lips of Myristica drink, then finally enjoy this awesome mixed drink!
Lips of Myristica Ingredients
Ready in: 4 min
Nutrition: approximately 194 Calories
17 Review Ratings: 4+ stars (must be logged in to review)
Glass to use for the Lips of Myristica Recipe
It's recommended drinkware to use is the Old Fashioned Glass for the Lips of Myristica Recipe for best presentation.
Old Fashioned Glass
Lips of Myristica Drink Recipe Instructions
Lips of Myristica Recipe Preparation & Instructions:
After the nutmegs are smashed up, put them in a blender (or whatever you prefer).
Then put 3 shots of vodka in there to take out the nutmeg's flavor. Any hard liquor does the trick. Blend or shake till all is mixed well.
Add in the ginger ale as much to your liking. Around 2 cups should do the trick, maybe even more.
Add a shot of Malibu to bring a tropical hint. Add a little bit of vanila extract (not important, but is suggested).
Stir and mix well, settle down with ice in an old-fashioned glass. If for some reason the nutmeg is still chunky, just consume it. It's fine.
Lips of Myristica Recipe Information
History and Facts: Over time, natives and other people have found out that nutmeg contains a hallucinogenic property known as Myristica. Tribes used it as rituals to connect with spirits. During modern day parties, people have used nutmeg and vodka together, even consuming both at different times. You see, the effects of the nutmeg's "trip" or legal "high" takes place in up to 8 hours. During the time before "nutmeg trip" is a spiritual sense and perspective. Never use nutmeg in a spice form; not much will happen if you use nutmeg spice. Use the nutmeg nuts. Also, in order to bring out the hallucinogenic-trippy property,Myristica, you would need to consume nutmeg in large quantities, like 5 nuts or more.
Where to buy nutmeg nuts? You can find them at your local food store. Walmart carries around 9 nutmeg nuts in a small plastic-glass container in the spice section.
Have fun and be safe.
Lips of Myristica Recipe Variations
Please note that there are many ways and variations to make Lips of Myristica. The Lips of Myristica recipe above is the most common way to make this drink, you can always improvise with your own twist and enjoy. You can even substitute the Vodka with different brands such as Grey Goose, Belvedere, Ciroc, Titos, Absolut, Ketel One, Smirnoff, Stolichnaya (Stoli), Skyy etc. You can also find many other variations of this drink on our website, just use our search to see more.
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Raspberry Ass Licker is intended for responsible adults of legal drinking age in the United States of America (21 years old or older). It is purely intended for guidance. Please do NOT drink and drive. If you need transportation, use a designated driver or a taxi service. And please be careful when crossing the street after drinking. Remember to drink responsibly! Lastly, have fun!
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